Pasado del Verbo to be

Pasado del Verbo to be
-El verbo "To be" en pasado se traduce normalmente como:

I was= Yo era/ Yo estaba

Aunque conserva todos los usos que vimos en el presente.

-La irregularidad está en la primera persona "I was"y la tercera del singular "he was,she was,it was,

-Cuando se usa con There,significa Había.

There was a house.

Había una casa.

There were two houses.

Había dos casas.

 -Se usa para describir sucesos del pasado, así pues va frecuentemente acompañado de adverbios de tiempo.



Last night .

A noche

Last year.

El año pasado

Last week.

La semana pasada

Last weekend.

El fin de semana pasado

Last month.

El mes pasado

-La respuesta corta se hace con el pronombre y to be pasado was/were para la respuesta afirmativa y wasn't y weren't para la negativa.

Was she a dancer?

Yes,she was.

No,she wasn't.

-Recuerda que en las respuestas cortas hay que usar los pronombres y nunca los nombres.

Was Mary a dancer?

Yes,she was.

No,she wasn't.

After the verb to be
-The verb "To be" in the past is usually translated as:

I Was = I was / I was

While retaining all the uses we saw in the present.

-The irregularity is the first person "I was" and third in the singular "He Was, She Was, It Was,

-When used with There, There were mean.

There Was a house.

There was a house.

Were there two houses.

There were two houses.

  -Used to describe past events, so is frequently accompanied by adverbs of time.



Last night.

A night

Last year.

Last year

Last week.

Last week

Last weekend.

The last weekend

Last month.

Last month

-The short answer is done with the pronoun and to be passed was / were for the affirmative response and Was not Were not for the refusal.

Was she a dancer?

Yes, she was.

No, She Was not.

-Remember that the short answer is that never use pronouns and names.

Was Mary a dancer?

Yes, she was.

No, She Was not.

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