Presente Perfecto

Presente Perfecto

Presente Perfecto (Present Perfect Tense)
El Presente Perfecto en el idioma inglés es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para referirnos a acciones que suceden en un pasado reciente y que guardan alguna relación con el presente. Su equivalente en el idioma español es el Pretérito Perfecto:

I have sent the letter.
Yo he enviado la carta.
(Indica que la acción acaba de suceder)

Para poder construir la forma afirmativa del Presente Perfecto debemos utilizar como auxiliar el verbo TO HAVE en Presente Simple y acompañado por el verbo principal en su Pasado Participio (ya sean verbos regulares o verbos irregulares):

I have bought a new dress.
Yo he comprado un nuevo vestido.
You have studied the lesson.           Tú has estudiado la lección.
He has broken the window.             Él ha roto la ventana.
She has lost the keys.        Ella ha perdido las llaves.

Recuerden que a las 3º personas del singular deben colocar la "S" en el auxiliar ya que se trata del Presente Simple.
En cambio, para formar una interrogación deberemos colocar el auxiliar al comienzo de la oración, luego el sujeto y posteriormente el verbo principal también en Pasado Participio:

Have I bought a new dress?
He comprado un nuevo vestido?
Have you studied the lesson?         Has estudiado la lección?
Has he broken the window?            Ha roto él la ventana?
Has she lost the keys?      Ha perdido ella las llaves?

Por su parte, la forma negativa se forma poniendo la negación NOT entre el auxiliar y el verbo principal, por ejemplo:

I have not bought a new dress.       Yo no he comprado un nuevo vestido.
You have not studied the lesson.    Tú no has estudiado la lección.
He has not broken the window.       Él no ha roto la ventana.
She has not lost the keys. Ella no ha perdido la llave.

También puede utilizarse la forma contraída de la negación colocando HAVEN'T o HASN'T según corresponda.

Cabe destacar que cuando hablamos en Presente Perfecto no debemos mencionar el momento en que se ha producido la acción, ya que de hacerlo deberíamos utilizar el Pasado Simple, por ejemplo:

I have sold my car.
Yo he vendido mi auto. (Presente Perfecto)

I sold my car this morning.
Yo vendí mi auto esta mañana. (Pasado Simple)

Present Perfect

Present Perfect (Present Perfect Tense)
The Present Perfect in English is a verb tense used to refer to actions that happen in the recent past and that have some connection with this. Its equivalent in Spanish is the Present Perfect:

I have sat the letter.
I have sent the letter.
(Indicates that the action just happened)

To build the affirmative form we use the Present Perfect as an auxiliary verb to have in the Simple Present and accompanied by the main verb in its past participle (either regular or irregular verbs verbs):

I have bought a new dress.
I have bought a new dress.
You have Studied the lesson. You have studied the lesson.
I've broken the window. He has broken the window.
She has lost the keys. She has lost the keys.

Remember the 3 rd person singular should get the "S" in the auxiliary since it is the Simple Present.
However, to form a question we put the auxiliary at the beginning of the sentence, then the subject and then the main verb past participle also:

Have I bought a new dress?
I bought a new dress?
Have you Studied the lesson? Have you studied the lesson?
You've broken the window? He broke the window?
Have you lost the keys she? She has lost her keys?

For its part, the negative is formed by placing the negation NOT between the auxiliary and main verb, for example:

I have not bought a new dress. I have not bought a new dress.
You have not Studied the lesson. You have not studied the lesson.
I have not broken the window. He has not broken the window.
She has not lost the keys. She has not lost the key.

You can also use the contracted form of denial or putting Have not Has not appropriate.

Note that when we talk in Present perfect should not mention the time that action has occurred, since it should use the Past Simple, for example:

I have sold my car.
I have sold my car. (Present Perfect)

I sold my car This Morning.
I sold my car this morning. (Past Simple)

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